ICI a participat la DataCenter Forum.jpg
ICI Bucharest

The National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics participated in the DataCenter Forum 2022

Today, May 25, 2022, the National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest participated in the DataCenter Forum 2022, an event dedicated to data center professionals and technologies.

Adrian Victor Vevera, General Director of ICI Bucharest, discussed the topic "DataCenter and Digitalization, an overview of the Romanian market", together with Dorin Pena (Cisco), Cosmin Georgescu (ClusterPower), Valentin Stănescu (Dell) and Mihai Manole (Tema Energy). He highlighted the challenges within the field and how the institute he leads aims to overcome them.

Topics discussed at the event included "Energy market liberalization and the impact on the Data Center industry", "Opportunities for Combined Heat and Power (cogeneration) in Data Centers", "DC as a Service, HPC as a Service, AI as a Service", "Is the local market geared towards higher value-added services?", "Are Data Centers operators of essential services?", "What is the value of Data Centers for contemporary society", "Cluster Power, the first Hyperscale Data Center in Romania (Case study)", "Rethinking the Traditional Hardware Refresh Cycle," "Trends in Data Center architecture and construction", "Sustainability and green energy sources. How Romanian DC industry aligns with European carbon footprint reduction rules".

DataCenter Forum 2022 was organized by Tema Energy and brought together the most relevant suppliers in the field, combining the exhibition space (900 sqm) with workshops and thematic presentations.